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Portrait of Ivan Canet

Ivan “CLOVIS” Canet

Software engineering, open source and computer security

Who am I?


I'm a software engineer specialized in Kotlin.

I'm currently employed at 4SH, in Bordeaux, France, where I work on automating communication between freight actors (container shipping companies, cargo airlines, truckers…) and French customs. Our systems track all the freight traffic in multiple French harbours and airports and help discover mismanagement issues before illegal payloads can enter or exit the country.

I'm also active in the open source ecosystem, mostly as part of the OpenSavvy organization, which I co-created.

To learn more about my profession and personal experience, visit my resume.


CLOVIS was my first large programming project, back in high-school. I was working on programmable chatbots inspired by ELIZA, so I needed a similar name. I created my GitHub account at the time, and the name stuck, even if the project itself is long gone.

After becoming a professional software engineer, I merged my online and offline identities; I know go interchangeably by Ivan or CLOVIS.

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