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4SH workshops

4SH workshops are held in French.

4SH holds regular internal talks, called Workshops, in which employees with any job title can share their knowledge to everyone else.

This page lists the various workshops I have given as an employee at 4SH.

Arrow Typed Errors

Arrow is an organization creating libraries to complement the Kotlin ecosystem. Their most well-known project, Typed Errors (Arrow Core) adds an idiomatic, performant and typesafe way to manage errors.

This talk compares error management in Java, its direct equivalent in Kotlin, and its Arrow variant.

Kotlin Multiplatform

Kotlin Multiplatform allows compiling Kotlin code to multiple targets. This talk demonstrates the configuration required to create a Kotlin/JVM backend that shares code with a Kotlin/JS frontend, and lists my experience with architecting multiplatform apps: which code to share, which to keep separate.


Decouple is an experimental library I am developing to split UI business logic from UI styling logic, allowing to deploy the same app with multiple completely different branding or look and feel.

When Decouple became my 4SH R&D project, I showcased it to the rest of the company. I'm not aware of any recordings of this talk.